Below are taught content areas and standards
Reading/ELA Topics/Standards:
Phonics/Phonemic Awareness - short and long vowels, consonant blends, digraphs, contractions, syllables, prefixes and suffixes, plurals, compound words, abbreviations, rhyming words.
- Comprehension skills - character and setting, main idea and details, facts and opinions, cause and effect, author’s purpose, important ideas, compare and contrast, plot and theme, sequencing.
- Vocabulary - context clues, synonyms and antonyms, multiple meaning words, dictionary/glossary skills, homophones.
- Fluency - reading with accuracy, reading with expression, appropriate rate.
- Conventions - sentences, subject and predicate, statements and questions, commands and exclamations, parts of speech
- Writing - personal narratives, opinion pieces, poems, friendly letters, thank you notes, realistic stories, persuasive pieces, lists, reading responses.
Science Topics
Earth, Space, Solar System, Weather, Living Things, Water, Habitats, Matter, Energy and Forces, Resources.
Social Studies Topics:
Communities, Geography, Culture, American Symbols, Rights and Responsibilities, Holidays, Citizenship, Government, Native Americans, Explorers, Presidents, Maps and Globes, Goods and Services, Trade.
Math Topics/Standards:
- Fluently add and subtract within 20
- Work with equal groups
- Add within 100 using strategies
- Fluently add within 100
- Subtract within 100 using strategies
- Fluently subtract within 100
- Word problems
- Time and Money
- Numbers to 1,000
- Add within 1,000 using models and strategies
- Subtract within 1,000 using models and strategies
Religion Topics:
- Sacraments
- Mass
- Religious symbols
- Liturgical year
- Saints
- The Holy Family
- The Bible - how to find passages
- Creation
- Following Jesus
- Vocations
- Beatitudes
- Commandments
- Service
- Family
- Rosary
- Prayer